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What's New

Visit the brand new Canadian Home TPN Registry website!

The Canadian Home TPN Registry is excited to announce there is a brand new Home TPN Registry website you can explore to learn more about the Registry.

The Home TPN Registry is a valuable database of clinical information about HPN consumers – such as liver function, bone disease and line sepsis events. The goal of the Registry is “to provide health care providers and clients of home TPN programs across Canada with useful information about latest clinical practice and latest research in parenteral nutrition and related topics.

The BC Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) Program has been participating in the Canadian Home TPN Registry since 2006. To date, BC has enrolled over 100 adult patients in the Registry. Across Canada, over 400 adult patients have been enrolled!

Note that no patient-identifying information is provided to the Registry. In addition, participating HPN programs can only access aggregate data for either their own program or the entire country. Participating programs cannot access patient-level data.

Check out the website to learn more about the Registry. Don’t forget to follow the links on the website to review all of the scientific publications that have resulted from data found in the Registry.

If you would like to participate in the Home TPN Registry and you’re an adult HPN consumer enrolled in the BC HPN Program, please contact the Program at:

Tel: 604-806-9353
Toll-free: 1-877-806-9353
Email: homepen@vch.ca